
Which Group Of Nuclear Emissions Is Listed In Order Of Increasing Charge?

3.v: Types of Radioactive decay - Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Decay

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  • Learning Objectives

    • Compare qualitatively the ionizing and penetration power of alpha particles \(\left( \alpha \correct)\), beta particles \(\left( \beta \correct)\), and gamma rays \(\left( \gamma \right)\).
    • Express the changes in the atomic number and mass number of a radioactive nuclei when an alpha, beta, or gamma particle is emitted.
    • Write nuclear equations for blastoff and beta decay reactions.

    Many nuclei are radioactive; that is, they decompose by emitting particles and in doing then, get a different nucleus. In our studies up to this indicate, atoms of one element were unable to change into different elements. That is because in all other types of changes discussed, just the electrons were changing. In these changes, the nucleus, which contains the protons that dictate which chemical element an atom is, is irresolute. All nuclei with 84 or more protons are radioactive, and elements with less than 84 protons have both stable and unstable isotopes. All of these elements can go through nuclear changes and plough into different elements.

    In natural radioactivity, three common emissions occur. When these emissions were originally observed, scientists were unable to place them as some already known particles and so named them:

    • alpha particles (\(\alpha \))
    • beta particles \(\left( \beta \right)\)
    • gamma rays \(\left( \gamma \right)\)

    These particles were named using the first three letters of the Greek alphabet. Some later on fourth dimension, alpha particles were identified as helium-4 nuclei, beta particles were identified as electrons, and gamma rays as a form of electromagnetic radiations like x-rays, except much higher in energy and even more dangerous to living systems.

    The Ionizing and Penetration Power of Radiations

    With all the radiation from natural and man-made sources, we should quite reasonably exist concerned about how all the radiation might touch on our health. The impairment to living systems is done by radioactive emissions when the particles or rays strike tissue, cells, or molecules and modify them. These interactions can alter molecular structure and office; cells no longer carry out their proper office and molecules, such equally Dna, no longer deport the appropriate information. Big amounts of radiation are very dangerous, even deadly. In most cases, radiation will damage a unmarried (or very modest number) of cells by breaking the cell wall or otherwise preventing a cell from reproducing.

    The ability of radiation to harm molecules is analyzed in terms of what is called ionizing power. When a radiation particle interacts with atoms, the interaction tin can cause the atom to lose electrons and thus become ionized. The greater the likelihood that damage will occur by an interaction is the ionizing ability of the radiations.alt

    Much of the threat from radiation is involved with the ease or difficulty of protecting oneself from the particles. How thick of a wall exercise you need to hibernate behind to be safe? The ability of each type of radiation to pass through matter is expressed in terms of penetration power. The more material the radiation can pass through, the greater the penetration power and the more dangerous information technology is. In full general, the greater mass nowadays, the greater the ionizing power, and the lower the penetration ability.

    Comparing just the 3 common types of ionizing radiations, alpha particles take the greatest mass. Blastoff particles accept approximately four times the mass of a proton or neutron and approximately 8,000 times the mass of a beta particle. Because of the large mass of the blastoff particle, it has the highest ionizing ability and the greatest ability to damage tissue. That same big size of blastoff particles, still, makes them less able to penetrate matter. They collide with molecules very rapidly when hit matter, add two electrons, and become a harmless helium atom. Alpha particles take the to the lowest degree penetration power and tin be stopped by a thick canvas of paper or even a layer of clothes. They are as well stopped by the outer layer of dead skin on people. This may seem to remove the threat from alpha particles, merely it is only from external sources. In a nuclear explosion or some sort of nuclear accident, where radioactive emitters are spread around in the environment, the emitters can be inhaled or taken in with food or h2o and in one case the blastoff emitter is within you, you have no protection at all.

    Beta particles are much smaller than alpha particles and therefore, have much less ionizing ability (less ability to damage tissue), but their small size gives them much greater penetration power. Almost resource say that beta particles can be stopped past a one-quarter inch thick canvass of aluminum. Once again, however, the greatest danger occurs when the beta emitting source gets within of y'all.

    Gamma rays are not particles, only a loftier free energy class of electromagnetic radiation (like ten-rays, except more than powerful). Gamma rays are free energy that has no mass or accuse. Gamma rays have tremendous penetration power and require several inches of dense material (similar lead) to shield them. Gamma rays may laissez passer all the way through a man body without striking anything. They are considered to have the to the lowest degree ionizing power and the greatest penetration ability.


    The safest amount of radiation to the human being body is aught. It is incommunicable to completely avoid ionizing radiations, so the next best goal is to be exposed to every bit footling as possible. The two best means to minimize exposure are to limit time of exposure, and to increment distance from the source.

    Alpha Disuse

    The nuclear disintegration process that emits blastoff particles is chosen blastoff decay. An example of a nucleus that undergoes alpha decay is uranium-238. The alpha decay of \(\ce{U}\)-238 is

    \[\ce{_{92}^{238}U} \rightarrow \ce{_2^4He} + \ce{_{90}^{234}Th} \label{alpha1}\]

    In this nuclear change, the uranium atom \(\left( \ce{_{92}^{238}U} \correct)\) transmuted into an atom of thorium \(\left( \ce{_{90}^{234}Th} \right)\) and, in the procedure, gave off an blastoff particle. Await at the symbol for the blastoff particle: \(\ce{_2^4He}\). Where does an alpha particle become this symbol? The bottom number in a nuclear symbol is the number of protons. That means that the alpha particle has two protons in it that were lost past the uranium cantlet. The 2 protons also have a charge of \(+2\). The pinnacle number, 4, is the mass number or the total of the protons and neutrons in the particle. Because it has two protons, and a total of four protons and neutrons, alpha particles must also have two neutrons. Alpha particles e'er have this same composition: ii protons and two neutrons.

    Another alpha particle producer is thorium-230.

    \[\ce{_{90}^{230}Th} \rightarrow \ce{_2^4He} + \ce{_{88}^{226}Ra} \characterization{alpha2}\]

    These types of equations are called nuclear equations and are similar to the chemical equivalent discussed through the previous capacity.

    Beta Disuse

    Another common decay process is beta particle emission, or beta decay. A beta particle is simply a high free energy electron that is emitted from the nucleus. It may occur to you that we have a logically difficult situation here. Nuclei do non contain electrons and yet during beta decay, an electron is emitted from a nucleus. At the same fourth dimension that the electron is existence ejected from the nucleus, a neutron is becoming a proton. It is tempting to picture this every bit a neutron breaking into two pieces with the pieces existence a proton and an electron. That would exist convenient for simplicity, but unfortunately that is not what happens (more on this subject area will be explained at the stop of this section). For convenience, we will treat beta disuse as a neutron splitting into a proton and an electron. The proton stays in the nucleus, increasing the atomic number of the cantlet by one. The electron is ejected from the nucleus and is the particle of radiation chosen beta.

    To insert an electron into a nuclear equation and have the numbers add together up properly, an atomic number and a mass number had to be assigned to an electron. The mass number assigned to an electron is zero (0), which is reasonable since the mass number is the number of protons plus neutrons, and an electron contains no protons and no neutrons. The diminutive number assigned to an electron is negative i (-1), because that allows a nuclear equation containing an electron to balance atomic numbers. Therefore, the nuclear symbol representing an electron (beta particle) is

    \(\ce{_{-1}^0e}\) or \(\ce{_{-i}^0\beta} \characterization{beta1}\)

    Thorium-234 is a nucleus that undergoes beta decay. Here is the nuclear equation for this beta decay:

    \[\ce{_{ninety}^{234}Th} \rightarrow \ce{_{-1}^0e} + \ce{_{91}^{234}Pa} \characterization{beta2}\]

    Gamma Radiation

    Ofttimes, gamma ray product accompanies nuclear reactions of all types. In the alpha decay of \(\ce{U}\)-238, two gamma rays of different energies are emitted in addition to the alpha particle.

    \[\ce{_{92}^{238}U} \rightarrow \ce{_2^4He} + \ce{_{90}^{234}Th} + 2 \ce{_0^0\gamma}\]

    Virtually all of the nuclear reactions in this chapter also emit gamma rays, but for simplicity the gamma rays are mostly not shown. Nuclear reactions produce a not bad deal more than energy than chemical reactions. Chemical reactions release the difference between the chemical bond energy of the reactants and products, and the energies released accept an guild of magnitude of \(i \times ten^three \: \text{kJ/mol}\). Nuclear reactions release some of the binding energy and may convert tiny amounts of thing into free energy. The energy released in a nuclear reaction has an lodge of magnitude of \(1 \times 10^{18} \: \text{kJ/mol}\). That means that nuclear changes involve almost one million times more than energy per atom than chemical changes!


    Nigh all of the nuclear reactions in this chapter also emit gamma rays, only for simplicity the gamma rays are more often than not not shown.

    The essential features of each reaction are shown in Effigy 17.three.2


    Effigy 17.3.ii: Three most common modes of nuclear decay.

    "Nuclear Accounting"

    When writing nuclear equations, there are some general rules that volition assist you lot:

    • The sum of the mass numbers (top numbers) on the reactant side equal the sum of the mass numbers on the product side.
    • The atomic numbers (lesser numbers) on the ii sides of the reaction will also exist equal.

    In the alpha disuse of \(\ce{^{238}U}\) (Equation \(\ref{alpha1}\)), both atomic and mass numbers are conserved:

    • mass number: \(238 = 4 + 234\)
    • diminutive number: \(92 = ii + 90\)

    Ostend that this equation is correctly balanced by adding up the reactants' and products' atomic and mass numbers. Also, note that because this was an blastoff reaction, one of the products is the alpha particle, \(\ce{_2^4He}\).

    Notation that both the mass numbers and the atomic numbers add up properly for the beta decay of thorium-234 (Equation \(\ref{beta2}\)):

    • mass number: \(234 = 0 + 234\)
    • atomic number: \(ninety = -1 + 91\)

    The mass numbers of the original nucleus and the new nucleus are the same considering a neutron has been lost, merely a proton has been gained, and so the sum of protons plus neutrons remains the same. The atomic number in the procedure has been increased past 1 since the new nucleus has one more proton than the original nucleus. In this beta disuse, a thorium-234 nucleus has ane more than proton than the original nucleus. In this beta decay, a thorium-234 nucleus has become a protactinium-234 nucleus. Protactinium-234 is also a beta emitter and produces uranium-234.

    \[\ce{_{91}^{234}Pa} \rightarrow \ce{_{-one}^0e} + \ce{_{92}^{234}U} \label{nuke1}\]

    Once once again, the diminutive number increases by one and the mass number remains the same; this confirms that the equation is correctly balanced.

    What Nearly Balancing Charge?

    Both alpha and beta particles are charged, but nuclear reactions in Equations \(\ref{alpha1}\), \(\ref{beta2}\), and nearly of the other nuclear reactions higher up, are not balanced with respect to charge, as discussed when balancing redox reactions. When studying nuclear reactions in general, there is typically little information or business organization about the chemic state of the radioactive isotopes, because the electrons from the electron cloud are not directly involved in the nuclear reaction (in contrast to chemical reactions).

    So it is acceptable to ignore charge in balancing nuclear reactions, and concentrate on balancing mass and diminutive numbers merely.

    Case \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    Complete the post-obit nuclear reaction by filling in the missing particle.

    \[\ce{_{86}^{210}Rn} \rightarrow \ce{_2^4He} + ?\]


    This reaction is an alpha decay. We can solve this problem i of two means:

    Solution 1: When an atom gives off an blastoff particle, its atomic number drops past 2 and its mass number drops past 4, leaving: \(\ce{_{84}^{206}Po}\). We know the symbol is \(\ce{Po}\), for polonium, considering this is the element with 84 protons on the periodic table.

    Solution 2: Retrieve that the mass numbers on each side must total up to the aforementioned corporeality. The aforementioned is true of the atomic numbers.

    • Mass numbers: \(210 = 4 + ?\)
    • Atomic numbers: \(86 = 2 + ?\)

    Nosotros are left with \(\ce{_{84}^{206}Po}\).

    Example \(\PageIndex{two}\)

    Write each of the following nuclear reactions.

    a) Carbon-fourteen, used in carbon dating, decays by beta emission.

    b) Uranium-238 decays by alpha emission.


    a) Beta particles have the symbol \(\ce{_{-1}^0e}\). Emitting a beta particle causes the atomic number to increment by ane and the mass number to not modify. Nosotros become atomic numbers and symbols for elements using our periodic table. We are left with the following reaction:

    \[\ce{_6^{xiv}C} \rightarrow \ce{_{-1}^0e} + \ce{_7^{fourteen}Due north}\]

    b) Alpha particles accept the symbol \(\ce{_2^4He}\). Emitting an alpha particle causes the diminutive number to decrease by two and the mass number to decrease past 4. We are left with:

    \[\ce{_{92}^{238}U} \rightarrow \ce{_2^4He} + \ce{_{90}^{234}Th}\]

    Decay Serial

    The decay of a radioactive nucleus is a motility toward becoming stable. Often, a radioactive nucleus cannot reach a stable state through a single disuse. In such cases, a serial of decays will occur until a stable nucleus is formed. The decay of \(\ce{U}\)-238 is an case of this. The \(\ce{U}\)-238 disuse series starts with \(\ce{U}\)-238 and goes through fourteen separate decays to finally accomplish a stable nucleus, \(\ce{Lead}\)-206 (Effigy 17.3.iii). There are similar disuse series for \(\ce{U}\)-235 and \(\ce{Th}\)-232. The \(\ce{U}\)-235 series ends with \(\ce{Pb}\)-207 and the \(\ce{Th}\)-232 series ends with \(\ce{Atomic number 82}\)-208.

    Effigy 17.three.3: Uranium-238 decay chain. (CC-BY-3.0 Tosaka)

    Several of the radioactive nuclei that are found in nature are present there because they are produced in one of the radioactive decay series. For instance, there may have been radon on the earth at the time of its germination, simply that original radon would have all decayed by this time. The radon that is present now is present because information technology was formed in a decay series (by and large by U-238).


    A nuclear reaction is one that changes the construction of the nucleus of an atom. The diminutive numbers and mass numbers in a nuclear equation must be balanced. Protons and neutrons are made up of quarks. The ii most common modes of natural radioactivity are alpha decay and beta decay. Near nuclear reactions emit energy in the form of gamma rays.


    • Blastoff decay - A common way of radioactive decay in which a nucleus emits an alpha particle (a helium-4 nucleus).
    • Beta disuse - A common mode of radioactive decay in which a nucleus emits beta particles. The daughter nucleus will have a higher atomic number than the original nucleus.
    • Quark - Particles that form one of the two basic constituents of matter. Various species of quarks combine in specific ways to form protons and neutrons, in each instance taking exactly three quarks to make the composite particle.

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    Which Group Of Nuclear Emissions Is Listed In Order Of Increasing Charge?,


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